This is a straight-on view of the dispensary entrance, taken from the far end of the parking lot. Going through the entrance doors, the emergency room and after-hours
CQ station was the room immediately to the right. The NCOIC's office (which, as I recall, also housed the medical records) was the room immediately to the left. Beyond
the far end of the parking lot (i.e., in this photo, immediately behind and slightly to the left of the photographer) was a gasthaus that basically served as the dining-hall
(mostly takeout) for dispensary staff. I can't tell you how many hundreds - thousands? - of marks we spent on "einige Flaschen Bier und Schnitzel mit Pommes Frites
zum Mitnehmen, bitte" ("some bottles of beer and schnitzels with french fries, to go, please")! |
The dispensary (the west side and front entrance) is seen center right. Center left, seen through trees and partially hidden by the squarish building with the
red tile roof, is the small building that housed the Officers Club. |